
The ultimate solution for Erectile Dysfunction
Choose the implant that best suits your needs
materials, brands and models

The Penile Prosthesis is one of the best solutions to fight erectile dysfunction. We bring back the sexual life for the majority of our patients through a penis implant (also known as an orthopedic penis), when other therapies don’t work for them (*).

In this website, you will find answers and solutions to all questions about the penile prosthesis: what kind of prostheses are there, and the advantages and disadvantages you can find in the implantation to solve erectile dysfunction.

In the following video, we have a brief explanation (*), in only two minutes, about the most important concepts to keep in mind if you choose this kind of treatment.

At the Andrology and Urology Andromedi Clinic, currently based in Seville, the research and development of new techniques are crucial to be able to offer the best results and treatments to our patients.

We are a team of experts in the placement of the penis implant for every kind of patient, even for people with advanced diabetes, venous leakage, radical prostatectomy, or patients who don’t respond to anti-impotence medicine anymore. We count on more than 15 years of experience in this type of treatment for patients all around the world. The knowledge of new technical advances give us the certainty that we always give our patients the best option available in the market.

Each patient, each case, is unique. We believe that personalized treatment is the best way to get the perfect result. You can ask questions with total privacy and with no commitment. We will be happy to help you recover your sex life.

Dr. Natalio Cruz, Andromedi Clinic’s chief surgeon, has a vast experience in erectile dysfunction. Many people all over the world come to our clinic to be treated by his expert hands:

  • He is the current National Coordinator of Andrology in the Spanish Urology Association, as well as ex General Secretary of the European Society for Sexual Medicine
  • He has an Extraordinary Degree Award from the University of Córdoba.
  • He is a Urology Specialist through MIR at the Virgen del Rocío Hospital, in Seville.
  • Dr. in Medicine from the University of Seville.
  • He has been Head of the Andrology Unit in the Urology Department of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital.
  • Head of Andrology at the NISA Sevilla Aljarafe Hospital
  • Chief of Andrology of the Fatima Clinic
  • Member of several International Committees of Sexual Medicine
  • He has a great scientific, teaching and researching activity and extensive experience of over 20 years in Urology, Andrology, Genital Reconstructive Surgery and Sexual Medicine. Dedicated in depth to these last subjects since 1992, he has received specific training at the La Paz Hospital in Madrid, the Puigvert Foundation in Barcelona and the Medical Center at the University of Boston (USA), among others.

Andromedi quality

Our quality guarantee attests that our satisfaction index is close to 100%.

Technical equipment

We have the most updated operating room to offer maximum guarantees of success

Discretion and privacy

This is one of the mainstay of Andromedi.